The Power and Benefits of Andreas Coriander Seed Oil!

The Power and Benefits of Andreas Coriander Seed Oil!
Coriander has always been a highly prized medicinal plant. There is evidence that coriander seeds were used at the time of the Pharaohs (seeds were found in Tutankhamen and Ramses tombs). The Egyptians believed that coriander seed gives immortality and used it to facilitate the crossing of the pharaohs into another life. Today, there are more scientific studies that reveal the healing features of this plant.
In Europe, coriander has traditionally been referred to as an “anti-diabetic” plant.
In India, it has traditionally been used for its anti-inflammatory properties.
In the United States, coriander is quickly gaining popularity for its cholesterol lowering effects.
A study from the University of Beira Interior in Portugal has shown that coriander oil is enormously powerful against a broad range of harmful bacteria.
The researchers tested coriander oil against 12 bacterial strains, including Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Bacillus cereus, and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Of the tested strains, all showed reduced growth, and most were killed, by solutions containing 1.6% coriander oil or less.
This study not only shows that coriander oil also has an antibacterial effect, but provides an explanation for how it works, which was not previously understood.
“The results indicate that coriander oil damages the membrane surrounding the bacterial cell. This disrupts the barrier between the cell and its environment and inhibits essential processes including respiration, which ultimately leads to death of the bacterial cell,” explained Dr. Fernanda Domingues who led the study.
The researchers suggest that this oil could have important applications in the food and medical industries.
“In developed countries, up to 30% of the population suffers from food-borne illness each year.
This research encourages the design of new food additives containing coriander oil that would combat food-borne pathogens and prevent bacterial spoilage,” said Dr. Domingues.
“Coriander oil could also become a natural alternative to common antibiotics. We envision the use of coriander…to fight multidrug-resistant bacterial infections that otherwise could not be treated. This would significantly improve people’s quality of life.”
A study from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the Annamalai University in India (Antioxidant potential of coriander seeds; 2010) found that coriander seed oil has a greatly beneficial effect in the regulation of pancreatic secretion of insulin.
There was a decrease in blood glucose by 44%, glycosylated hemoglobin by 58% and increased secretion of insulin from the pancreas of 40%.
Thus, the coriander seed oil is recommended as a natural remedy to relieve the symptoms of diabetes I and II.
And so much more…
Ancient Egyptians used it in love potions. Its aphrodisiac property was even mentioned in “Arabian Nights,” or “One Thousand and One Nights,” as it is called in Arabic. Today, some people believe its phytonutrients can potentially increase sexual drive, stimulate sexual passion, or help with erectile dysfunction and temporary impotence.
Coriander seed oil acts against bacteria and can aid as body and mouth deodorant by helping eliminate bad breath as well as body odor. As an antifungal, it has been used as a household medicine to cure colds, nausea, vomiting and stomach disorders.Analgesic
Coriander seed oil also aids in reducing pain. It can be used to help treat toothache, muscle pain and menstrual pain.
This essential oil can act as a stimulant for people who are feeling low. It also has a calming effect on those who suffer with shock or trauma.
Coriander seed oil is widely used by athletes because it helps relieve muscle spasm and cramps.
Promotes Good Digestion and Intestinal Health
The coriander seed is used for centuries in China to regulate the normal operation of the intestine. It relieves nausea, and after a heavy meal, the feeling of fullness in the stomach. It facilitates the proper functioning of the liver and bile secretion, which is also important in the digestion of food. It encourages proper secretion of intestinal juices and balances the normal intestinal flora. It relieves the intestinal cramps. Detoxifier. Refreshes breath.
Coriander seed oil helps ease digestive issues such as indigestion, upset stomach and flatulence. A recent study also shows that coriander seed oil helps fight bacteria that cause food poisoning.
Research, recently published, showed that Coriander Oil could kill serious bacteria such as E. coli, MRSA, salmonella, and Bacillus cereus. Out of 12 tested strains, every bacteria strain showed reduced growth, and most were killed! And these were by solutions only containing 1.6% coriander oil!
Heavy Metal Detox and Chronic Disease Fighting Power
Metals are the #1 known contributor to chronic diseases – such as Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s. Coriander has shown to be a potent mobiliser of mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum from the bones and central nervous system.
It is also the only known substance to get “inside entry” to the cell – dislodging toxic metals attached to cell organelles, from within the nucleus of the cell – and actually reversing the DNA damage that has been caused! It is best taken 30 minutes prior to eating food containing fiber or a clean source of chlorella.
Because of its powerful anti-fungal properties, coriander has been proven to be effective at killing Candida Albicans overgrowth and any accompanying digestive invaders. This promotes the proliferation of healthy gut bacteria and improves immune system function.
Coriander Oil Solves “Vitamin-D Problems”
Because vitamin-D is “fat soluble,” it needs healthy fats to be effective. Coriander seeds are loaded with fatty acids and essential oils. In fact, they contain 28.4% of seed weight – in total lipids!
There is ample evidence to suggest that vitamins A and K are necessary for proper assimilation of vitamin D. One serving of coriander contains roughly 400% the RDV of vitamin-K and ample amounts of vitamin A.
Pathogens in the body put stress on the immune system and can affect vitamin D levels. The presence of antioxidants, rich phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins in coriander all work synergistically to boost the body’s overall immunity.
Common toxic metals like mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium impair your body’s ability to produce sufficient vitamin D. Coriander oil has shown to be one of the most potent natural chelators of toxic metals known and to aid removal of mercury, cadmium, aluminum and lead from the body!
Getting “natural vitamin D” from the sun is surely the best way yet poses great skin cancer risks if you are antioxidant and/or omega 3 deficient! And omega-3 fat deficiencies are a far more significant risk factor for deadly skin cancers than sun exposure!
Coriander oil provides you with a great source of antioxidants! For omega 3 boosting power, coriander oil has been shown to increase the natural bioconversion of alpha-linoleic acid to EPA and DHA in studies.
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